Authors and Artists

Spring 2017

Internationally acclaimed professor and “chief exhilarator” Billy Strean ’86 has published a new audiobook, Humor Me: Lighten Up and Love Life Laughing (Talking Book, 2016).


New Orleans Review has published four poems by Margaret Sametz Rutherford ’81: “My Hungarian Mother,” “I Was Kelp,” “Luminous,” and “My Mother Survived the Shoah.” 

In Once There Was Fire, a Novel of Old Hawaii (Pai’ea Press, 2016), Stephen Shender ’67 invites readers into the Hawaiian Kingdom on the cusp of the islands’ “discovery” by the English. A work of fiction informed by history, this is Shender’s first published novel. 

Daniel Ofori-Addo ’04 self-published a book that is designed to help novice and intermediate Sudoku puzzle enthusiasts improve their ability to solve Sudoku puzzles. The book is titled Sudoku Puzzles Decoded and is available on Amazon.

Dr. Ralph Clayman ’69, dean emeritus of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, has published The Compleat Dean: A Guide to Academic Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty. Informed by over 350 collective years of contemporary decanal experience, The Compleat Dean is a hands-on guide to leadership in the field of academic medicine.

Nancy McCannon Barasch ’67 has published her first novel, The Old Soldier’s Love Story (Black Rose Writing, 2015). The novel centers on romance during the Vietnam War era.

Rachel Mathisrud Hall ’95 edited two books, Zadok: The New … Old Order by Teresa Bowen, and Come Up Here: The Place of Our Original Intent by Aaron Smith. Both were published by Scrolls of Zebulon.

Professional Publications

Jenny Anger, professor of art history, helped update the Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, an online research resource for modernist art. Designed to make research of the modernist period easier for students and researchers, the resource is a collection of commissioned articles from experts in the field.

Grinnell physics majors Jill Rix ’19, Yue Yu ’17, and Sam Ross ’16 have published the results of their 2015 and 2016 summer research in Physical Review E, the flagship journal of the American Physical Society. Working with Barbara Breen, assistant professor of physics at Grinnell, the students successfully demonstrated mechanical stochastic resonance in an elegant tabletop experiment that harvested wind energy from a flapping flag to enhance signal detection.


Jon Richardson ’10 has released Tonic, his first album of original singer-songwriter music, dedicated to John Christian Rommereim, Blanche Johnson Professor of Music at Grinnell and one of Richardson’s early mentors.