Alumni Council Member David Jarvis ’04 offers ways to either stay, or get, connected with Grinnell.
Alumni Council News
I’m always proud to share that Grinnell was a stop in the underground railroad. In fact, I feel many find our legacy of social justice impressive when I talk about my time in the prairie. When I share these stories, I often think about the decisions our founders were faced with when they opened our school.
During the pandemic, Mitch Sevier ’21 and Paul Cover ’21 knew students and alumni needed connection more than ever. Their answer was a pen pal program that could facilitate long-term connections.
When I consider what the Alumni Council has done, is doing, and will do in the future, it is important to take stock of where we have been and what those who have served on the council think.
Health services, communications, personal finance workshop, and Code of Leadership addressed
I am not from Iowa, but every time I come back to Grinnell, it feels as much home to me as my actual hometown of Portland, Oregon.