Summer 2022
In this Issue
Alumni Council Member David Jarvis ’04 offers ways to either stay, or get, connected with Grinnell.
For Sam Harris ’58, watching the Russians attack Ukraine took him back to September 1939 when Nazi planes ripped apart his Polish village, changing his life forever. He was just 4 years old.
“It’s happening all over again,” Harris says. He survived the Nazi camps because...
Darrell Scott ’87 never dreamed that he’d be a basketball coach. Armed with a chemistry degree and a desire to teach, he figured his hoops days were behind him.
The Grinnell College Alumni Council selected 13 remarkable Grinnellians to receive Alumni Awards during Alumni Assembly at Reunion.
Gray knows the importance of positive affirmations. The increased cultural polarization they have witnessed in the world lately motivated them to create a unique way to connect with Grinnell’s LGBTQIA+ students to let them know they are supported well beyond the boundaries of the College’s...
As the daughter of a Korean mother and African American father, Sim Wimbush ’08 enjoyed the best of two cultural and culinary worlds.
“I got a lot of exposure to soul food through church — black-eyed peas, collards, mac and cheese, smothered pork chops, and chicken. Then...