Authors and Artists

Winter 2017


Paula Forbes ’06 collected recipes from beloved Austin, Texas, restaurants for her cookbook, The Austin Cookbook: Recipes and Stories from Deep in the Heart of Texas. It will be published by Abrams in March 2018.

Molly Martindale ’64 started volunteering with the West Side Christian Parish in Chicago after graduating from Grinnell. In the fall of 1965 she became part of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Chicago Freedom Movement. Her description of some key actions by women on his staff constitutes Chapter 17, “Women in the Movement I: The Women of SCLC-WSCP Take Action,” in the book The Chicago Freedom Movement (University Press of Kentucky, 2016), edited by Mary Lou Finley, Bernard Lafayette Jr., James R. Ralph Jr., and Pam Smith.


Peter (Cohon) Coyote ’64 narrated the Ken Burns PBS documentary The Vietnam War, a 10-part, 18-hour film series which immerses viewers in a 360-degree narrative, telling the story of Vietnam as it has never been told on film.

Professional Publications

A personal essay by Peter Guthrie ’75 appeared in The Des Moines Register in September. The essay describes his arrival in Grinnell for his first year of college. Read the essay at

Justin Glanville ’97’s short story “Roller Coaster” was published in Kaleidoscope: Exploring the Disability through Literature and Fine Arts (No. 75, Summer/Fall 2017).

Fall 2017


Lee Running, associate professor of art, was one of five Iowa artists selected by a panel of Iowa arts professionals to be honored as an Iowa Arts Council fellow for the next year. Each fellow receives access to professional development opportunities, promotional support to enhance their careers, and a $10,000 grant to support new works. Running makes installations and sculptures inspired by natural phenomena, working with animal bones, paper, fabric, fur, raw pigments, and gold.

Jessica Thebus ’88, a theatre artist and director of the Northwestern University M.F.A. program in directing for the stage, directed the Chicago premiere of For Peter Pan on Her 70th Birthday at the Shattered Globe Theatre in April and May. The show was written by Sarah Ruhl, Thebus’ longtime collaborator and a two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist.


Rebeka Meyer Pourchot ’94 published this short book about a morning walk through a small Florida beach town, introducing readers to its people and places (CreateSpace, 2017). It includes photos from a single morning.

Greg​ Borzo ’76 introduces readers to more than 100 outdoor public fountains in his new book Chicago’s Fabulous Fountains (Southern Illinois University Press, 2017). Along with photos by Julia Thiel, he shares short stories about the structures, the artists, and the city, from the serious and historical to the silly and whimsical, such as a pile of bronze dog poo that glistens when wet, to encourage dog owners to clean up after their pets. 



Katie Hail-Jares ’07 is co-editor of Challenging Perspectives on Street-Based Sex Work (Temple University Press, 2017), which brings together academics and people whose lives are impacted by street-based sex work, including police officers, public defenders, foreign aid workers, and sex workers themselves, to discuss policy and new directions for research. The book also inspired an original play, Project Dawn, which was performed in Philadelphia in June and July 2017. The play explores the experiences of women in Project Dawn, a prostitution diversion court in Philadelphia.