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Amount awarded to Nicole Eikmeier, assistant professor of computer science, and two colleagues from Bard College in a National Science Foundation grant for their research on COVID-19. The trio will build upon existing models to understand the complexity of social spread within the population. It is the first grant that Grinnell has received as part of the NSF’s Rapid Response Research program, which is designed for urgent research needs.


Students who received a laptop, mobile hot spot, or both to support their distance learning during spring semester as part of the Supporting Our Students Fund.


Faculty members awarded tenure at the Board of Trustees meeting in May. They are: Dean Bakopoulos, philosophy; Leif Brottem, global development studies; Charlotte Christensen, physics; Christopher Jones, special collections; Kirsten Koester, physical education; Mark Laver, music; and Eric Ohrn ’07, economics.

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