Yes, Jimmy Carter Visited (1)

I had just finished a phone discussion with one of my daughters regarding my participation in the 1976 Iowa caucuses, when I opened the Winter 2015 The Grinnell Magazine. While 40 years have grayed my hair and thickened my waistline (just a bit), I think I recognized myself in the picture on the inside front cover, second row, kinda slumped over, ready to listen to Governor Carter. Finally, a bit of proof that at least one of “Dad’s college stories” has some legitimacy!

Carroll McKibbin ’60’s piece on the caucuses was terrific and a wonderful reminder of the political arguments I had with Jim Strickler ’78 and Jack Dane ’79, as well as all the fabulously interesting small towns we visited during the campaign.

Thanks for a great edition. Please keep up the good reporting and interesting articles.

Author Info: 
Dan Finkelman ’77
Granville, OH
United States
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