The east side of Alumni Recitation Hall (ARH, originally opened in 1916) and Carnegie Hall (opened in 1905 as the College library and used since the 1950s for classrooms and offices) are being enclosed by a new structure.
Campus News
Celina Karp Biniaz ’52, the youngest Jewish person rescued by Oskar Schindler, a Czech businessman, during the Holocaust, will be Grinnell College’s 2018 Commencement speaker.
Lizeth Gutierrez ’12 is the first Grinnell College Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) fellow to complete her Ph.D., graduating with a doctorate in American Studies from Washington State University in 2017.
Robert X. Barron ’02, who co-founded the Latino Political Network (LPN), recently received the College’s Joseph F. Wall ’41 Alumni Service Award.
Alumni Michael ’74 and Virginia Munger Kahn ’76 have established an endowed fund for career advancement with gifts totaling $1.158 million.
In 2014 Gina Clayton founded Essie Justice Group, and in 2017 she was awarded the $100,000 Grinnell College Innovator for Social Justice Prize.
Update: The Admission and Financial Aid Center is complete. See Institutional Planning to find out what the College is working on now.
An installation ceremony for endowed chairs, professorships, and staff on Nov. 14 in Herrick Chapel honored current endowed chairs and celebrated the naming of four new designees:
Shonda Kuiper, professor of mathematics and statistics whose work in statistics education is nationally recognized, recently received a $300,000 grant from the National Science