Lisa Eshun-Wilson ’14 envisions a radically transformed culture of scientific research and is thinking creatively about what it means to create a truly inclusive workspace.
Alumni Profiles
After Grinnell, Bailey Dann ’17 returned to Idaho where she soon received a call from a Shoshone language dual-immersion charter school. Knowing only a few Shoshone phrases, Dann agreed to work as a Shoshone language teacher.
On Oct. 15, the final day of Latino Heritage Month, Abarca was inducted into the Iowa Latino Hall of Fame and received the Iowa LGBTQIA Leadership Award for outstanding and significant cultural, political, social, and economic contributions to the state.
Last summer Grinnell students Evelynn Coffie ’24 and Amani Alqasi ’25 interned at the Black History Research Collective. Kari Bassett ’98 formed the the organization, which is committed to identifying Black churches that might be eligible for historic recognition.
Sarah Beisner ’22 is the first recipient of the Celina Karp Biniaz ’52 Model of Resilience Award, established by Celina Karp Biniaz ’52 who as a Holocaust survivor possessed a great deal of resilience.
A popular professor, researcher, and administrator at Yale University, Melinda Pettigrew ’92 says much of her focus was influenced by her time at Grinnell.
New members of the Grinnell College Athletic Hall of Fame joined Athletics Director Andy Hamilton ’85 after their public induction ceremony on Sept. 3, which took place during the 2022 Fall Athletics Weekend.
After 7 years and 300 episodes of Airgo on Chicago’s WHPK radio station, Damon Williams ’14 and Daniel Kisslinger ’14 continue to create a living dialogue-based archive of Chicago’s creative communities and social movements.
For Sam Harris ’58, watching the Russians attack Ukraine took him back to September 1939 when Nazi planes ripped apart his Polish village, changing his life forever. He was just 4 years old.
Darrell Scott ’87 never dreamed that he’d be a basketball coach. Armed with a chemistry degree and a desire to teach, he figured his hoops days were behind him.