“May I just say, I am so grateful to be in the classroom teaching a fiction workshop today. Art could not be more integral to resistance.”
Quote Board
“The team organized a paper goods drive to donate to Crisis Intervention Services, which provides support and empowerment to victims/survivors of domestic and dating violence and/or sexual assault.”
“Her [associate professor Kesho Scott] class changed the way I thought about myself and about America. I’m still thinking and talking about it 25 years later!”
“Three years at Grinnell and I finally learned that Iowa nice is when you’re really polite but you still vote for/endorse Chuck Grassley.”
“An incredible three days with these grinnell college women in tech — this is what a grinnell computer scientist looks like.”
“Every time you introduce yourself at Grinnell you say your pronouns and I have never been happier.”
"A liberal arts education doesn’t just throw a lot of knowledge at you, it actually teaches you how to seek knowledge and use it to your benefit."
“Pretty sure I just witnessed a meeting of the Grinnell Illuminati.”
"‘My daughter’s mother and my mother’s daughter.’ Is that chiasmus or antimetabole?" #DemsInPhilly #geektest
"My fave Grinnellian is whoever wrote Mary Oliver’s poem ‘Wild Geese’ in the library basement bathroom stall. I think about that poem a lot."